Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Tradegy of the Boston Marathon

What is suppose to be known as one of the great running spectacles in the US turned tragic Monday morning when 3 explosions occurred near the finish line.  According to reports there are 3 dead and over 120 injured.  It sickens me to see this happen.

Where there is suppose to be sweat from the long 26.2 mile run turned into blood and tears late Monday afternoon.  This tragedy is one of those events you will remember where you were.  It makes me start to wonder what is going on in the world, and if we are safe anywhere!  Those spectators that were out to watch some of the best athletes in the world will be no longer able say "I love you" anymore.  Events like this really make you sit back on your life and reflect how blessed we have it.

Lost in the shuffle of the tragedy was that the Boston Marathon was the two winners of the race.  On the women's side was Rita Jeptoo with a final time of 2:26.25.  Running in his only second ever marathon, Lelisa Desisa Benti from Ethiopia won with a final of 2:10.22

Thoughts and prayers go out to those involved in the explosions.

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